Chloe moretz và brooklyn beckham

Chloë Grace Moretz has touched on her highly-publicised break-up with Brooklyn Beckham, & hinted that it"s not been easy seeing him "making out" with his reported new girlfriend on social media.

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The 21-year-old Hollywood actress - who dated the 19-year-old aspiring photographer on và off for four years - explained to The Sunday Times" Style magazine: "Break-ups are hard across the board, but when every verified trương mục on Twitter posts something about me I get tagged.

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"And every major publication is verified. So anytime they post something about a certain relationship it pops up on my phone, which is how I find out about 90 per cent of things."

When asked whether she had any message for Brooklyn, she replied: "I want nothing to be said..."

The Kickass star then added: "I"m not a big tín đồ of PDAs in general. I personally don"t want khổng lồ see people posted all over my phone making out."


In recent months, Beckham has been linked with aspiring singer Abi Manzoni và dancer Lexy Panterra - best known for her widely-recognised LexTwerkOut fitness regime - after the pair met at Coachella. The 29-year-old star also shared a series of images he took of her on her Instagram page.

Prior khổng lồ that, Brooklyn had been photographed kissing "Playboy" Lexi Wood in a tattoo parlous in Los Angeles.

But Moretz also took responsibility in the media"s interest in their relationship, as both she & Brooklyn happily shared loved-up images of each other on social media. Brooklyn"s Instagram tài khoản is now private.

"You can"t post that photo unless you want people to lớn talk about it,"she ruminated. "And if you do, you can"t complain."

Meanwhile, Moretz spoke about the "insidious" sexism and misogyny in Hollywood, và revealed she once found a bra and silicone fillers in her trailer when she was 16. She said this made her contemplate plastic surgery, recalling: "I was, like: where did these come from?